How To Improve Your Home’s Curb Appeal

Potential home buyers make first impressions incredibly quickly when they pull up to, or walk into, a property. Realtors agree spending time to ensure that the exterior of your home and the entrance are clean, updated and welcoming is critical if you are interested in selling your home quickly and for its maximum value. Quite simply, your home’s curb appeal speaks volumes to potential buyers about the care and maintenance your home has received. Below are several ways to improve your home’s curb appeal.


What Is Curb Appeal?

Curb appeal is the visual attractiveness of a house as seen from the street. Generally, it includes the style of the home, the lighting, the roof, the door and the exterior paint/siding. Ultimately, it is a critical component of home value and resale potential.


5 Ways To Improve Your Home’s Curb Appeal

  1. Give your front door an update. From paint to hardware to an entire new door, there are a multitude of ways to spruce up your front door. Currently, unique molding, windows to increase natural light and color are trendy. However, if a new door or a larger project are not in your budget, spending even a minimal amount of money on a new wreath or welcome mat can modernize and clean up your entrance.

  2. Spend time and money on landscape. A lush, well cared for and organized lawn is paramount to setting the stage and highlighting your home’s appeal. Large plants, trees and bushes should be trimmed so they don’t cover doors and windows but they also catch a buyer’s attention. The use of color with flower beds, hanging plants or window boxes is another powerful tool. Avoid anything too complex or difficult to maintain, which creates more work for you and could turn off potential buyers.

  3. Wash windows and power wash exterior. Again, a clean, well-maintained outside reflects the quality of care the home receives inside. Regularly wash your windows and power wash your exterior in the spring, removing debris, cobwebs and dirt/sand left over from the winter. Both are services that can be done by the owner or outsourced to professionals.

  4. Pay attention to your gutters. Ensuring gutters are empty, straight and properly attached is vital when it comes to curb appeal. Hanging or rusty gutters sends a message that regular home maintenance has been ignored.

  5. Consider a mailbox makeover. Your mailbox also deserves a spring cleaning. Mailbox upgrades can include a fresh coat of paint, a new post, a new box — the possibilities are numerous and can fit most budgets. Ideally, your mailbox should match other outer elements of your home.


As the adage from Will Rogers goes, “You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” Whether you are selling or staying in your home, leverage the power of curb appeal by taking the time to survey your property and the exterior of your home on a regular basis, then remedy any issues you uncover. Putting in this time will allow your home to showcase its best “face.”

Selene Staff

The Selene staff writes numerous articles for finance and mortgage industry.


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